Case Studies Leading Change Coaching Assignment – Case 4


A middle level manager (team leader) of a large financial institution that was undergoing a significant transformation.


This middle level manager’s team was required to adjust to new ways of working with new systems and compliance. There was noticeable resistance in the team to embracing the changes and morale, and productivity had dropped significantly.


To conduct a nine month coaching assignment with strong focus on behavioural change management and team leadership.


  • The manager was introduced to a sophisticated change management navigating system that provides leaders the metrics as to whether change programs are on track, how to take the required corrective actions to bring them back on track, and to keep them on track.
  • Reviewed and re-developed a comprehensive change management plan for her and her team.
  • Learnt how to effectively involve her team in the change process.
  • Learnt how to use the required analytics and benchmarks to minimise the risk of the change process.
  • Built significant change capability within her team.
  • Met the change process’s planned deadlines (on time and on budget) and realised the expected business benefits.